
Monday, April 5, 2010

It's been a while~

Well I have been busy lately, but for a while all it did was rain and make things miserably soggy and on top of that it wasn't warm. So there wasn't much to take pictures of or to talk about. Now the weather has broke and things are getting busier, I love the beginning of spring knowing that the good weather is here finally. 

My moms shih tzu had puppies, they are impossibly cute, see for yourself. This black and white girl will be a handful, and she sits/sleeps with her tongue hanging out just like her dad, which is really funny. I know they a bit blurry but have you ever taken pictures of puppies?? They never stop moving!

I started a bunch of seeds that I had leftover from the last couple of years, I guess I will try to sell them and give some to family/friends. If they all sprout that is. I also started the broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower. The cabbage and broccoli sprouted within two days, like magic. Heres the starts, I used mushroom containers that I have saved forever and didn't know what I would use them for. 

I gave molly a lift to the greenhouse yesterday.

Lets talk chickens for a minute. These crazy birds practically ran to this spot next to the house when I let them out yesterday. They had never really wandered this far before so I was keeping an eye on them. Well they starting dust bathing in the dried up mulch and it was way funny. The one all the way to the right was seriously on her side all flopped over, it was quite the spectacle. You can see the dirt flying good in the one photo. After these three had spent a good amount of time there the others started to take notice and at one point I think there were eight of them hogged into the spot.

When I went out to shut up their gate and do I head count I snapped this picture of them in the dark. If I turn the light on they all hop down to see what I am bringing them and i'm afraid they wont make it back up so I use the light sparingly.

Food! This egg I cracked on accident while washing so I cooked it up for molly. The yolk is so huge. Her beard was all yellow for half the day after eating it.

Heres is the fresh mayo I made to use in deviled eggs for easter. Its pretty much my staple now for what I bring to family meals. If it works go with it, right?

I made this cake today for a friend at work. I wasn't planning on decorating it at all but I like to do it so much that I couldn't help myself. I don't think it looks too shabby! I am getting a lot better at making the layers level and keeping crumbs out of the icing. You have to use wiltons food colorings, its the key to awesome icing. Its gel and in these tiny containers, you stick a toothpick into the coloring and just use the tiniest bit and it makes the best true colors.

And here is my lentil soup that I made up while the cake was cooling. I really enjoy taking pictures of food lately. It's too bad you can't taste this, its so good.

My pretty forsythia bushes seem to be doing good, I planted them early last year. I can't wait for the leaves to come out, it seems like centuries since I have seen them last.

Early this evening I took mabel to the park, she didn't seem to interested in playing with any of the huge dogs so I took her for a walk instead. At one point she was in the creek trying to catch the stones I was tossing in, she has such a good time with that. She will stick her whole face in the water with her eyes open to try and get a rock that she wants, it looks pretty funny. This is a dog having a good time.

We have toads that live in the cracks around the front garage, I hadn't seen them yet this spring until the other evening. We also have some resident frogs in our pond now, one was even practicing his ribbit today, it was funny, like he is in puberty, all broken up and not so deep sounding yet.


  1. Hi,

    Great images and commentary. I'm glad I stumbled across your blog. I'm in Ohio, too, on the "Southern Coast of Ohio" in Cincinnati. :)

    Very best,

  2. That's a lot of mushrooms! LOL! Very cute chickens and puppies! That cake is beautiful too. I like to take pictures of food too!
