
Sunday, February 28, 2010

The last day of February

I have missed posting on here the last few days because my phone/camera was stolen from my work on Friday (good times :). I use it as main camera as it's 8 megapixels, I do have my previous camera and thats what I used to take some pictures today. I haven't started anything new but I do have updates on what is growing.

These are the leeks. They are taking off!

Next up are the onions. The yellows have sprouted a lot more than the reds, i'm not sure why though. I planted all of the seeds that I got so I will just have to see what happens with those reds.

Here is the sage.

Check out the celery, its sprouted and i'm pretty happy with that so far. I have read a lot about celery and it seems so finicky that I almost thought it wouldn't even sprout for me. 

Heres a funny thing, I made up some chicken treats. I mix up some oatmeal and other stuff with some no sugar added applesauce and warm it up as a treat. Usually I leave it in the bowl but I forget it then the bowl gets totally gross so I put piles on the ground instead. Problem was that snow was covering the ground and they will not walk on it! I'm not sure if it's because they can't see it right or if it looks like water to them, or they just don't like it, I don't know, if you do let me know.

So here they are on the outskirts teetering on edge of the concrete pad and the runway, wanting to eat it so badly!

My funny girl was the brave one and she hopped down first, now the others still wanted to but weren't so sure.

Now everyone was in but one, look at her, she just couldn't make the leap!

All in now! The treats didn't last long.

Meanwhile inside the coup, someone was practicing their mothering skills.

When I was ready to leave they had all came back in to see if I was handing out anything in there. Only a fresh bowl of water, no more goodies.

And for fun I will show you a couple screen shots of the document I have made up to keep track of all the plants this year. I put in all the plants, made it so that I can direct link to the webpage that I bought it from for more info, date sowed all that fun stuff.

Then heres a shot of the calendar that I did up so I could just see what I have do do ahead of time easily instead of guessing each week or figuring it out each week. I like my structure.

Tomorrow I am going to make some more small newspaper pots so I can plant up those celery. Will update then!

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